Prepare for a career in management, 金融, public policy or law with a major in 经济学.


Explore your options — classes, internships, research and study abroad. 利用 经济学BBA专业指南 找到你感兴趣的东西, 发现你的所爱, and create a major experience that jumpstarts your future. 

You’ll become a valued advisor to business or government because of your ability to understand patterns and forecast the future. 具有敏锐的分析思维和定量分析能力, you’ll have the background to become a financial analyst with the World Bank, a public policy specialist for a congressional representative, 或者是跨国公司的顾问. You’ll also become a standout candidate for law schools, which often require students to understand economic principles.

作为一名经济学专业的学生, 你将学习市场, 银行, 商业法 and current economic issues like the environment and healthcare. 了解消费者决策, 商业法, 价格和工资是如何确定的, 以及国际贸易.

奥斯丁, one of the nation’s fastest growing cities and a tech hub, offers endless opportunities to network and try on roles in the professional world. You’ll have the chance to work with a professor on relevant research that benefits the community, like studies to determine the economic impact of the 奥斯丁 Marathon, 奥斯汀姐妹城市的国际旅游, 和拉丁企业家精神. And you’ll conduct financial analysis and 跟踪全球市场趋势 at internships with companies large and small, 跨越所有行业.


Complete your BA in 经济学 and Master's Degree (MBA) 我们的目标是在五年内获得两个学位.

成功的教练 and Academic Advisors guide students through undergraduate and graduate courses to maximize benefits. 了解更多.


经济学专业s go on to a variety of careers and graduate schools from St. 爱德华的. 这里有一个例子.

  • 摩根大通分析师 & Co.
  • 德意志银行助理
  • WPEngine的客户体验数据分析师
  • 维达资本高级合伙人 
  • Business development representative for Latin America at VMWare, the cloud computing giant
  • Teacher at the Académie de Versailles in France as part of the TAPIF program


经济学专业 Justin Lim ' 18 知道他想在奥斯汀的一家科技创业公司工作. After applying to a few positions at WP Engine and not hearing the answer he wanted, 他决定参加公司的见面会. 其余的,正如他们所说,是历史.


Because an 经济学 degree develops intellectual ability, 定量分析能力和批判性思维, students in this program bring relevant skills to their experience outside the classroom. They participate in internships, conduct research and practice leadership in student organizations.


The 经济俱乐部 promotes an interest in economic ideas at St. 365比分网电竞. The club acts as a forum of discussion for economic issues and as an information exchange regarding economics careers and graduate programs. It also fosters social interactions among students interested in economics.


教师 in the 金融 and 经济学 Department are dedicated to conducting research that influences the profession and benefits the 奥斯丁 community and often include interested 经济学 students in the research and reporting process.