Dive into organizational leadership, human services, or human relations.

Join us in critically analyzing a range of social justice issues from a leader’s perspective

的 Master of Science in Organizational 领导 (MSOL) program at St. 365比分网电竞 prepares students to confidently and skillfully enact positive, organizational change — a crucial competency in today’s fast-paced companies and organizations. Students will understand leadership from the individual, 集团, organizational and global perspectives, allowing them to facilitate change across diverse teams in the workplace. 

的 Master of Science in Organizational 领导 (MSOL) offers two options:

  • 领导 & 改变浓度: Explore contemporary issues in leadership & change, including how to execute change in many different types of organizations and environments. 
  • 人类发展重点: Learn the impact of mental health issues common in education, 跨文化问题/策略, and how data analytics drives educational outcomes

“变化是地方性的。. 我们每天都在生活. 领导 skills are needed in every type and sector of every organization.” TOM SECHREST博士,项目主管


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Master of Science in Organizational 领导 (MSOL) prepares graduates to become intelligent, 道德, supportive leaders in a variety of roles, 组织和行业. 项目负责人 汤姆Sechrest 这解释了为什么. 365比分网电竞 graduate program prepares leaders to thrive and make positive organizational impact.